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Feature Article 1: How to Build a Cadillac Research Memorandum: A Reprise
In 1991 Barb Cotton published the article "Advanced Legal Research and Writing: How to Build a Cadillac" (1991), 13 The Advocates Quarterly 232, which was later reprised in 2009 for a LESA Advanced Legal Research seminar, "How to Build a Cadillac Research Memorandum: A Reprise". This article was again updated in 2020 in "How to Build a Cadillac Research Memorandum: A Further Reprise".
Times have changed, but many of the basic tenets regarding the research process and the preparation of a Cadillac research memorandum still resonate.
The paper refers to the role of the "research lawyer", but the designation is used in a broad sense to encompass all lawyers who find themselves tasked with the preparation of a legal research memorandum.
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Feature Article 2: "Crib Notes on How to Write a Great Factum" (2018) 37:2 The Advocates' Journal 37